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Expert Approved: 10 of the Hardest to Kill House Plants + Planter Roundup

image source | design by nate berkus & jeremiah brent | plant design by rachael freitas

Plants. In the PG-censored words of Emily Henderson “What could people need to know? They’re so **bleeping** easy.” Let me rewind for a second, to give you some context. Picture this: All of team EHD, up in the mountains for a staff retreat in early January. The fireplaces are roaring, the soup is flowing, and we’re spit-firing off ideas for our editorial calendar for the first two quarters of 2019. I bring up the fact that I think the craving for plants has replaced the yearning for children for millennials and Gen Z (only sort of kidding), the rest of the team hoops and hollers in agreement, proclaiming that YES, INDEED we should be doing regular plant content. Enter Emily’s comment. She was pretty dumbfounded that we all collectively were SO excited about the potential to write more about plants, not understanding why we would…who would care? Um, everyone Emily, everyone (back me up here…please?).

You guys may or may not know that I used to be the Design Editor at Apartment Therapy, but—sorry Maxwell if this is insider information—every.single.reader was OBSESSED with plants, so I had to imagine that such interest was pretty universal. I can go into a much larger philosophical/societal hypothesis on why I think that young people care so dang much about indoor greenery these days (we’re happy to own something, no backyards, putting off families+student debt, etc.) but instead, I’m going to focus in on what everyone on our team wanted to know more about…what plants can’t I kill easily?

Somehow, we’re all obsessed with plants, but no one seems to be able to claim a green thumb or keep anything alive for extended periods of time. Anyone else around here feel that way? Though, I will say, I’m pretty proud because I’ve kept a fiddle leaf fig tree (that I bought for $30 at Costco!!!!) alive for seven months and find it pretty easy actually…just keep in diffused bright sun, water when the top inch or so of dirt feels dry (or the leaves start getting a little droopy…that tree is expressive and tells you what it needs pretty clearly). Anyhow, I digress. Emily might have plants all figured out, but we didn’t, so I reached out to an dedicated expert for some help. Rachael Freitas of UPCOUNTRY Plant + Design came to the rescue with lots of great tips for any plant newbies as well as 10 house plant varieties to consider if you’re thumb isn’t exactly a verdant shade of green.

I’m going to let Rachael take it from here:

First things first, you gotta master the basics of keeping a plant thriving (then we’ll get into the plants to actually buy). Here are three things to commit to memory (or just write it down…or Pin this article for reference!):

Don’t repot ‘em!

Sounds counter-intuitive to most, but the best way to keep your interior plants alive and well is to keep them in the plastic nursery grow pot they come in, rather than repotting them in your decorative container. When you purchase a plant, also purchase a plant liner. Most nurseries carry them, so just ask for the right size for your plants. From there, choose a cool decorative pot that is a bit bigger so the liner and plant can fit inside. (General rule of thumb: a 6” plant should go in an 8” decorative pot, an 8” plant in a 10” pot, etc. Plus, many really stylish pots rarely have drainage holes or look good with a saucer under them.)

The reason for this is plants want to be able to drain. When you repot them into a decorative pot with no drainage holes, it doesn’t take long for that plant to drown. Additionally, houseplants enjoy the cozy environment their nursery grow pot provides. Keep the roots protected by leaving it in its original home. When the plant starts looking sad, you can repot into a larger nursery pot (also available at most nurseries). But most interior plants can thrive for years in their original container.

Use distilled or filtered water.

Surprise surprise—the fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals added to tap water may be killing your plant. So give them the fighting chance they need by using clean water. Also, water slooooowly. Really allow the water to soak into the roots. Don’t dump water in quickly – it will rush straight past the roots and out the drainage holes.

Pay attention to their environmental cues.

Since plants are living things, they often indicate what they need. See a plant reaching for a window? Rotate it and let all sides get their turn in the sun. Is your plant getting dry and brittle? Move it away from any heat and air sources. Yellow, wilting leaves, and brown tips generally mean it’s waterlogged, so steady that liberal watering hand. Most houseplants like to dry out a bit between waterings. By starting with hardier plants, you can learn their cues as you grow in your green knowledge…before diving into a fiddle leaf fig, let’s say. 🙂

Overall, I’ve seen far more plants die due to too much love rather than not enough. So, while constant touch and water may feel like you’re taking care of your new addition, it may be doing the opposite. Watch your plant before you make any changes.

Now! Onto the plants!

These are my top 10 plants for beginners, mainly because they can hang with a bit of neglect and handle varied light conditions. One quick (yet important) note on pet safety and plants. There are two noted here to be pet safe (though be sure to double check on the ASPCA website), and unfortunately, all others may be toxic to dogs and cats. A good course of action for pet owners is to gravitate toward hanging plants that are hung away from where a pet may reach. Okay, let’s get to it:

Hope this gets you started on your path to a thriving indoor jungle of your own!

Thank you again Rachael for your expert advice! Be sure to check out her company UPCOUNTRY, and find her on Instagram here.

And because your new plant babies that will absolutely thrive under your care and need a more permanent place to call home, we rounded up some of our favorite pots and planters right now in different sizes and price points.

Emily Henderson Indoor Plants Planters Low

Small: Stoneware Planter With Stand | Medium: Dyp White Two-Tone Planter | Large: Geared Planter

Emily Henderson Indoor Plants Planters Medium

Small: Whitney Planter | Medium: Lupa White Planter | Large: Ceramic Sevilla Outdoor Planter

Emily Henderson Indoor Plants Planters High

Small: Eleva Planter | Medium: Wood Base Planter | Large: Rough Cast Extra Large Brass Planter

Let us know if you have any questions, what plant varieties have worked for you indoors, any awesome sources for plants or pots…sharing is caring!

Emily Henderson Plants 10 Cant Kill House Plants 2500 Pinterest

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4 years ago

you have zz plants in the slideshow 2x with two different pictures. (The second picture is the correct one.)

4 years ago
Reply to  ellen

YES and I want to know the name of the first plant!

4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Its a selenicereus chrysocardium.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

I think it’s a ric rac / fishbone cactus!

Rachael Freitas
4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

It’s an Epiphyllum Chrysocardium! It’s pretty pricey at most of the nurseries I’ve visited, but as long as you take it easy on the watering, you’ll get your money’s worth. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

I clicked on the “image source” for the first plant pictured and it says it is a “Selenicereus chrysocardium.”

What that is. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Me too! I love that first plant, but it is not a zz plant.

4 years ago

As a dedicated plant killer, I found this very helpful. And thanks to this post, I’ve learned I have a ZZ plant. Here I was, feeling all proud of how my plant was thriving for several months, and now you tell me that’s because it’s on the list of Plants That Are Hard to Kill. D’oh! Over my years of murdering multiple plants, I would have to say that the prime reason was, as you well state here, overattention. I’ve found that my plants do best when I forget to water them. Plus, it’s great to hear that we shouldn’t transplant them too soon. Makes it much easier.

I say yes to more plant posts! For instance, I would like a list of 10 plants that are the most “expressive” and “tell” you when it’s time to water them. Advice on which plants look good together would be interesting, too.

Rachael Freitas
4 years ago
Reply to  FivebyFive

So glad to read this! And you can still pat yourself on the back for keeping your ZZ alive and well…since it stores so much water in it’s tubular root system, folks tend to overwater and then cry rivers when it dies off. So good for you! 🙂

Another Liz
4 years ago
Reply to  FivebyFive

I bought a soul moisture meter for under $10 – don’t have to guess when to water any more. Total game changer.

4 years ago

I love houseplants so much, thanks for this! Curious about plant on slide one, will check back later…

Rachael Freitas
4 years ago
Reply to  KMR

That’s actually an Epiphyllum Chrysocardium, or Fernleaf Cactus. It’s aaaawwwweeeessssoooommmmeee.

4 years ago

Speaking as neither gen M, X, or Z, I definitely am eager for this content! I can garden outside til the cows come home, but I don’t the first idea how to keep an indoor plant alive.

i’m in New England, and guessing it’s very different here than in California. Long super-dry indoor hearing season. Indoor pets. Please help.

Rachael Freitas
4 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

Hey there, Lynn! First things first…always check the ASPCA website to make sure what plants are safe for pets. My rule for non pet safe plants is to put them in areas where my four legged friends can’t get to them. Whether that be a trailing plant in a hanging basket, or an upright plant on a table or shelf they can’t get to. In regards to the weather, you’re right! Even interior plant care is different across the nation. I moved from Los Angeles to Nashville and have had to pivot in my care a bit. But plants don’t like to be near heat sources or windows that can be cold. Look into humidifiers through extremely long dry/cold seasons. But overall, your plants should tell you what they need. Look for small cues (reaching for the light, getting droopy or brittle, etc…). Hope this helps, Lynn!

4 years ago

Oh my goodness I NEEDED this post so badly. I have killed so many plants that I’m surprised they even let me purchase them anymore. Last year I spent so much money on a cute hanging planter, food, herbs, and tried so hard to keep them alive. What’s in the planter now? Fake flowers, from the dollar store.. because YUP all dead. “It’s hard to kill a succulent” my friend told me as she gifted me a simple cute little plant. I had to call her a month later to tell her he had bit the bucket and was no longer savable. “How have you killed 30 basil plants?” my mother yells – “I DON”T KNOW” I respond, clutching the brown leafs of basil #30, apologizing for my errors. I am going to TRY with one of these hard to kill plants in a last attempt. I need a warrior plant who can put up with my apparently very hostile environment. (Also, for some plant erm… p*rn, check out the IG of deannacat3 of Homestead and Chill. I swear she has fairy blood in her veins to make plants grow as she does. Followed her hoping her gift will somehow… Read more »

Rachael Freitas
4 years ago
Reply to  Jenna

Your experience is SO NORMAL. For you, I’d start with a Sansevieria. Not the sexiest of all plants (but they do a great job eliminating carbon dioxide overnight), but they’re tough. The only way you can kill it is by loving it too much or putting it in too much direct sunlight. Start there…then branch out. 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Jenna

Jenna! I kill succulents like it’s my damn job. And my mom is baffled every time. This post will save me from giving up in entirety and just buying fake.

Good luck with your screen osmosis!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jenna

basil is really hard to grow indoors, in my experience. It likes tons and tons of sunlight. I can grow basil like a champ on my hot, sunny rooftop deck in the summer.

4 years ago

What is the variety of ZZ Plant #1? I haven’t seen it before!

4 years ago
Reply to  Sasha

It’s not a Zz plant. It’s a selenicereus chrysocardium.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sasha

The pic source on photo #1 says it is Selenicereus chrysocardium. “What look like giant leaves are actually its stems, having evolved from cacti adapting to catch more light in the jungle.”

4 years ago

This list of plants and the tips are very helpful. Lets see more pots/planters! Maybe even for different styles (traditional combos, boho combos, etc).

4 years ago

What is the first plant?? Not a Zz…

4 years ago
Reply to  Annabelle

Coming to say the same thing! That first ZZ plant and the second ZZ plant (4th pic) are totally not the same.

4 years ago

Thank you for this post! I want plants in my house but have really low light, so this was helpful. There were a couple on the list that I think could work in my space!

4 years ago

Ahh ugh nooo a slideshow 🙁 so many blogs up their tech and spend money to get slideshow capabilities but they make reading so much harder. Please please please no slideshows!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Julia

Agreed times a million!!! Please don’t continue with the slideshows. I made a New Years resolution many years ago to not waste my time with them anymore. Loved this post, though. Would love more posts with affordable “big” planters, too!

4 years ago

Great post! I’m fairly good with plants except for ZZ plant. For some reason, we don’t mesh but I won’t take it personally. Another easy peasy plant is jade. There are a ton of varieties out there and the leaves shrivel when they want water so there’s no guesswork. Since they are a succulent, I’ve learned they do best in a cactus-like soil so repotting is a must if they aren’t already in the right soil. Other than that, I only water mine 1-2x/month and they grow happily in a south window. I bought one in a hardware store on a whim over 15 years ago and it’s still going strong!

4 years ago
Reply to  Ann

My great-grandfather’s jade plant is from, at the latest, the early 80s (and may be 10-20 years older than that) and is still going strong at my mom’s house. 35+ years old. It’s bananas–it’s like having an African gray parrot but quieter.

4 years ago

You should warn people that many common house plants are not cat/dog friendly. The ASPCA has a website where you can check the toxicity of plants ( ).

For example #1 (as labeled zz plant), 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, & 10 are all toxic to both dogs and cats to some extent.

4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Thank you! EHD please edit post to include this important info!

4 years ago

Yes plants!
I think the most important thing is to just be consistent. Like kids and pets, they need stability and to know someone is looking after them.

4 years ago

Yay thank you! I was one of the people who told you on insta I wanted this so thank you thank you!

So I thought pots had to have drainage holes and this is finally making me understand that’s not true. This changes EVERYTHING! I didn’t understand why everyone didn’t have those ugly plastic trays under all their plants; how hanging plants worked, if people just casually drilled holes into $100+ ceramic all the time…. omg. I feel dumb now.


4 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Right?? It took me a while to figure out that plants in plastic pots in ceramic pots is the way to go.

As for watering, it’s really easy if you just pluck the plants (snug in their plastic pots) out of the ceramic pots and plop them in your kitchen sink. Give them all a good drink, let them sit there for a bit to drain, then plop them right back in their ceramic pots. Same with hanging planters — just un-hang them, put them in the sink, give a good soaking, and then hang back up when it’s not dripping.

Since cacti & succulents need so little water, I do NOT do this method with them – I just give them tiny drinks at the same time I give the other ones drinks. If you’re really, REALLY careful about not over-watering, you can get away with not having your cacti/succulents in plastic pots — you can put them directly into non-drained ceramic pots.

4 years ago

I love this! We have zlich direct sunlight so I thought I was doomed to never having houseplants! I need to figure out how to print that slideshow to save in old fashioned paper form!

4 years ago

Emily I love this post! For hand painted planters checkout Hudson and Oak, their ig is hudsonandoakshop and their stuff is BEAUTIFUL (sharing is caring).

4 years ago

Literally last night my partner and I were talking about how we need plants but don’t know where to start. Were you in our apartment???

4 years ago

I SO am on board with more plant content! I would LOVE to see a round up of pet-friendly plants. I have a cat whose favorite past time is munching away on the plants I so desperately try to keep alive and thriving.

4 years ago

I would love a round up of fake plants the team has seen in person and would recommend for those Who just don’t want to take care of a plant.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

Abigail Ahern has pretty (fake) plants and flowers.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

This. I have mostly real plants in our house, but I’ve taken to purchasing fake succulents to put in high bookshelves and places where I’m unsure of the lighting. I’d love a round-up of nice looking faux plants since they can be deceiving online and I’m reluctant to purchase them.

Julie S
4 years ago

Arlyn, you cracked me up. I am barely a millenial (that “oregon trail” in between slice of birth years which I once read was yet another way for millenials to prove they’re special) I have 2 children and 6 houseplants, plus 3 vases I keep constantly stocked with greenery cuttings from the yard. Soooo LOL. I appreciated these tips even as I consider myself a medium-green thumb with varied gardening experience/success. Blew my mind to read keep them in their plastic pot?? I do this sometimes from laziness with smaller plants but I’m thinking my recently purchased Home Depot fiddle leaf is root bound and would really be happier repotted as soon as the weather gives me a break. I would love to read something about pest control with plants – I have lost small plants to spider mites and such before, and this fiddle leaf fig I mention is the replacement for a gorgeous 4′ rubber tree (nice lighter green variety that wasns’t so dreary as the usual dark type) which got scale insects bad and despite SEVERAL rounds of treatment and physical removal it just lost more and more leaves over the course of the fall. Tips for… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Julie S

Do you ever use the hot pepper spray to deter bugs? I got some to keep my cats away from some pet unfriendly plants, but it’s geared toward insects.

4 years ago

The best advice: to leave the plants in the plastic pots from the nursery. I did this with my fig fiddle and it’s thriving for a number of years already. Luckily I have very high ceilings so it can grow. I water it about every 2 weeks and that’s enough. I usually buy plants that are forgiving when not watered regularly since I tend to
forget when I watered last. Plants make a home A HOME! I’d love to hear more about the topic too!

4 years ago

Ha! A list of all the plants I managed to kill over the years. Wish I was joking… But pretty pots for my plastic ones!

4 years ago


Love it.

Plant Lover
4 years ago

Love the topic but have to respectfully disagree about #1. If you are buying from a great place, you should be fine. However, some nurseries– especially the large chain variety– keep the plants in their containers for far too long, and your plants will often need repotting ASAP. It’s a good idea to check the roots first when you buy. If they are wound around the bottom and/or peeking out the holes in the bottom, be sure to repot or find another plant that’s in the correct container size. That being said, drainage is key, and make sure when you repot that there is a place for extra water to go.

4 years ago
Reply to  Plant Lover

I agree. I always wait a bit before repotting to avoid shocking a new plant, but whether they can survive “years” in the original nursery pot varies a lot. Some plants come home and they have a very immature root system and a relatively large nursery pot. Those are fine to leave for a year. Others will literally start to die within months and people may assume it’s their fault, but really the plant just desperately needs to be repotted. I have a lot of plants and I would say most can only go about 6 months in their original pots before needing to be repotted, otherwise they visibly suffer (put out smaller leaves, stop growing, drop leaves, etc.) I 100% agree with keeping them in plastic nursery pots with drainage, though. You just might need to buy one the next size up. Also – save your nursery pots so you always have extras on hand!

4 years ago
Reply to  Plant Lover

I also agree with this! I wait a few weeks too get them acclimated and then repot as needed. Especially when roots are growing out the bottom. I do agree with keeping them in plastic containers when you can, but not always necessary.

Olivia Macdonald
4 years ago

A HUGE yes to more plant content! I’m personally curious about what plants would do well in hanging wall planters (other than maybe a pothos).

4 years ago

One of the easiest is a heartleaf philodendron as mentioned above. There are different color varieties — I like “Brasil”. Philodendron micans is similar and has a beautiful bronzy color. I also like Hoya, which produce gorgeous blooms when they’re mature. They aren’t quite as forgiving, needing bright light and good drainage (don’t overwater), but if you have the right conditions they can handle a fair amount of neglect.

Natalie Bodenhamer
4 years ago

Ahhhh. Thank you!! So many useful tips. My current (and future) plant babies thank you.

4 years ago

I purchased two norfolk pines from Trader Joe’s two Christmases ago, and they’ve been incredibly easy to maintain – I water them maybe once every two weeks and keep them in direct sunlight and they’re growing beautifully!

Paloma Tamminga
4 years ago

Love it! Would love to see a post on plant styling next.

4 years ago

Yes! I already have a lot of plants (okay, it’s about 50, but they’re not all mine since I’m fostering a few plants for my MIL since she just leaves them out on her screened porch to die over the winter and gets new ones in the spring. This year they all came to my place instead which my husband is obviously psyched about). Although I only have 5 of the 10 you mentioned, so obviously there’s room to grow (hehe) 😉 But it would be cool to learn more about how to style them in a space. Or feature a few cool looking plants even if they’re a little fussier. Some of us are ready for the next level in plant care 😉 Not the next level of planter pricing though. Attractive planters at various sizes and price points (and hanging versus nonhanging too!) can be REALLY hard to find, especially if you have a plant collection. Either you just buy a bunch of the same pot (boring, but kind of okay if the plants are generally the same scale like succulents) or you need to find several different pots that go together, not just one awesome one. And… Read more »

4 years ago

Love this blog post!
I have always thought I had a black thumb, but I love plants. Rachael has given me new hope 🙂
How do we link to Rachael’s social media platforms?? Can you please provide the links? Thanks so much!

4 years ago

No. It’s not. I grow fern leaf cacti. They are also fairly easy to grow. Low light in the home. Water modestly once a week. Stick your finger to the roots and it should maintain light moisture there. The top soil should appear dry. They grow beautifully outside in the summer in full to very filtered shade. You must get them used to the outdoor climate by putting them outside for an hour and increasing from there. I collect rainwater for all my house plants and orchids. When the water supply gets low I melt snow. Plants thrive on this!

4 years ago

Just a general q: is there a reason there’s no longer a Pinterest button available?

I’m always dying to pin these articles, and I find myself not revisiting them because I can’t pin them, and then I forget about them. I really love using these as references.

4 years ago

Thanks so much for responding!

I used to see it all the time, and for the last month or so the option to Pin has been missing. I can only see the Facebook and Twitter options. When I hover, the red Pinterest option doesn’t appear.

I’m browsing on Safari, mobile (iPhone)

Cici Haus
4 years ago

YES!! Thank YOU!

4 years ago

Love this, keep the plant posts coming! And while I’m all for keeping my fur babies safe, how about notes on plants that are non-toxic & safe for homes with human babies too? Keeping them out of reach is a no-brainer, but I’d love to be extra cautious.

Michelle Rainer
4 years ago

Great post but I would never say ficus benjamina is an easy plant! They are prone to leaf drop if you don’t treat them to just the perfect amount of light and water. And even then they might drop leaves. They’re not cheap, either.

4 years ago

yes, a million times! I actually am pretty good with plants and I kept a ficus tree thriving for years, but oh goodness that was a high maintenance plant. They are highly sensitive as you note and drop leaves (like all of them, all at once). They are also prone to scale, a pest infestation that is hard to get rid of, damages or kills your plants, and can easily spread to other plants.

I live in the midwest and dragged (it was a huge endeavor as the tree eventually was over 6′ tall) my ficus outdoors every summer for 10+ years…it would go bananas and grow super thick luscious foliage and new growth. the foliage would get so thick that even after it dropped half it leaves when I moved it back indoors it still looked amazing. Sadly, once i had kids i was less devoted to Icus the Ficus and he eventually died, i think it was a combination of getting too big for the pot and me perhaps missing a couple of waterings. I still feel guilty about it and miss that darn tree.

4 years ago

Love the post! I only wish there were a perfect pinnable image that I could save for later.

4 years ago

A great place to find reasonably priced planters is Home Goods. I refuse to spend over $30 on a planter, prefer spending my money on plants ? I’d like to give a recommendation on phalaenopsis orchids as being a fairly easy houseplant. They are readily available at most grocery stores. You get a plant and months of blooms for about the same cost as a few floral bunches! Buy orchids that come in a clear plastic growers pot and look for healthy roots, inspect for rot, snails and insects, or too many dead roots. Healthy roots look green and plump, or silvery green if in need of water. You can tell from inspecting the roots when to water – if they are silver and there is no moisture or condensation inside the pot, then it’s time, usually every 7-10 days. Place the growers pot inside a container filled with good quality water and let the orchid soak for 5 minutes. Remove from water and drain well, place back inside decorative planter. Blot any water off the leaves, especially where they grow from the stem, to avoid rot. Avoid hot or cold drafts and air vents, and direct sun (orchids like… Read more »

4 years ago

Awesome article, and this is from an admitted plant lady!

Michelle Horgen
4 years ago

This is soooo helpful. I love how plants make a room feel, but have never been able to keep them alive! Maybe this could finally be the beginning of a beautiful green friendship?

4 years ago

I would love to see a post on different shaped planters/pot styles and the types of plants that look best in them. This is the sort of information that probably seems obvious to a stylist but causes those of us not in the design field to struggle!

4 years ago

Ficus are so darn finicky, I’m surprised that you say they’re easy! You move it a few feet from it’s comfort zone & it drops ALL its leaves. Every time!

4 years ago

Favorite line of this post – “If the 1980s had a plant mascot…” so hilarious and so true. I really enjoyed this post. I have kept two ZZ plants alive for at least 5 years now and also love snake plants and dragon plants. But I learned about 7 more. I also realized awhile a back that every plant that I repotted died quickly so I have been leaving them in the plastic containers in pots, but I actually never knew why. I thought it was because I was so horrible at keeping them alive. And thanks for the other great tips on caring for plants! This was a great post. Definitely in the more plant posts camp! I would love tips on taking care of ferns!

4 years ago

I love any plants. They are very nice.
Ithink the next picture is Petus, that’s very good plant.

4 years ago

Count me as definitely NOT plant obsessed. But it is very helpful to know which plants are easy to grow.

4 years ago

I would like an article about plants that can go from outdoors to indoors for winter and back outside again in spring. It is so $$$ to do all the pots outside every year buying all new plants. I have had some success overwintering succulents in my garage but would love an expert’s advice on better/more ways to keep them going year round.

4 years ago
Reply to  mariah

many houseplants love to be outside for the summer! as long as you match up their sunlight and watering needs with the location you put them in. I’ve also found it hard to manage the planter situation (many planters that can handle the outdoors are not what I’d choose for indoors) but if you keep in the nursery pots as recommended, you could transfer easily.

they can pick up pests outdoors so inspect and treat before you bring back in.

4 years ago

I welcomed this article! Thanks for all the good information and suggestions! I’m 41 years old, but I’m jumping on the plant wagon and I have a renewed interest in trying to have these beautiful and healthful things in my home.

I found the point about using filtered or distilled water so interesting: “the fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals added to tap water may be killing your plant.” That’s such a eureka moment, and ties in to Emily’s recent posts about filtering water *for you* (humans). These chemicals may kill plants… Are these chemicals *good* for humans? They’re in small amounts, but it’s certainly continuous exposure. Fluoride, in particular, is great for teeth – but I don’t think there’s any evidence it’s good to *drink* it down. Go water filtration systems!

Kelsey Connelly
4 years ago

Another suggestion would be Jade Plants. I have had 2 of them for over a year and they THRIVE when you ignore them!

4 years ago

I love house plants, but yes some are pretty difficult to take care of.

4 years ago

I can vouch for the indestructibility of a pothos- I’ve had the same one since 1994! It survived college dorms, cross country moves, and total neglect.

The only problem with that is, the pot I though was cute in 1994 (white, with red and yellow tulips painted on the outside) really needs to be updated!

4 years ago
Reply to  Laura

LOL! Ah, the style choices we made in the 90s!

4 years ago

This was an awesome post. Love your sense of humor. Although I have a green thumb (benign neglect is the key), there are some plants that give me problems. It was nice to see a list of easier ones. Off to the nursery I go for a refresh to my plant family!

4 years ago

I have been nurturing two huge indoor trees for the better part of 6 years now and the dilemma I’m facing is: where can I find large scale (I’m talking 20” diameter) pots that are stylish and won’t break the bank?Big enough for a tree! Help a girl out!! Source a few? The only things I can find are the generic glazed ones at local nurseries that are SO expensive and not what I’m going for at all.

Another Liz
4 years ago
Reply to  Jenny

I’ve had great luck at HomeGoods as well as (randomly) the cheaper grocery stores (Lucky and Grocery Outlet for anyone in NorCal).